
GOAL 1 —  Literacy

  • The Family Engagement video series and the Engagement Resource Guide provide strategies and tips for encouraging productive reading habits.
  • APEC (The Alabama Parent Education Center) has extensive offerings of information, training, and assistance to families of students with disabilities.
  • A helpful list of accommodation strategies for teachers and school leaders can be found at Guidance for Administering Literacy Assessments, developed by the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
  • Providing Reading Interventions, developed by the What Works Clearinghouse, provides school personnel with current research into improving middle grades literacy.
  • The Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) frames the work of Goal 1. MTSS in Alabama explains the workings of the initiative. The Accommodations Guide offers specific suggestions for addressing different areas of need, and the PST document is a valuable resource for teachers and school leaders as they implement strategies to bolster students’ literacy skills. The HQIM offers suggestions for High Quality Reading Materials.
  • For a wide collection of information and supports, including the Alabama Literacy Act, see Inclusion and Resource Support LiveBinders. More resources are available at the SES LinkTree.

GOAL 2 — Transition

  • The ALSDE Special Education Services Secondary Transition Padlet and LiveBinders serve as digital platforms for secondary transition planning, offering resource repositories, transition planning tools, informational materials, professional development opportunities, and community engagement features.
  • The NTACT (National Technical Assistance Center on Transition) is a comprehensive resource hub for parents seeking support and guidance in advocating for their children's successful transition to a full life beyond school.
  • The Transition Coalition website offers transition planning tools, professional development opportunities, informational resources, toolkits and guides, evidence-based practices, and a community of practice to support students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood.
  • The IRIS Center at Vanderbilt University, the Zarrow Institute for Learning Enrichment at the University of Oklahoma, and the Virginia Commonwealth Center on Transition Innovations conduct research and training, including online modules, into enhancing self-determination and support for individuals with disabilities and their families.
  • TransCen focuses on transition, professional development, technical assistance, research and innovation, and advocacy and awareness to improve educational and employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

The Special Education Services Section of the Alabama State Department of Education offered a series of five virtual, professional learning opportunities as part of the SPDG grant to improve transition outcomes for students with disabilities and their parents in planning, implementing, and evaluating transition projects.

Materials for each of the training events were provided as resources for all to share.

Transition Training #1

Transition Training #1

: Saturday, April 15, 2023

Training Title: Transition Assessment: The Building Blocks to Compliant Transition Planning

Presenters: Dr. Kendra Williams-Diehm & Dr. Malorie Deardorff, Zarrow Institute

Training material used for presentation:

Transition Training #2

Transition Training #2

Date: Thursday, April 20, 2023

Training Title: Facilitating Student Work Experiences

Presenter: Mr. Sean Roy, TransCen Inc.

  • Establishing Employment as the Preferred Outcome of Transition Services – TransCent (Zoom Recording)   Passcode Required – Zoom Passcode:  e12$Gb8j

Transition Training #3

Transition Training #3

: Saturday, April 29, 2023

Training Title: Stepping Up Transition from Compliance to QUALITY

Presenters: Dr. Kendra Williams-Diehm & Dr. Malarie Deardorff, Zarrow Institute

Training materials used during presentation

Transition Training #4
Transition Training #5

Transition Training #5

: Thursday, May 11, 2023

Training Title: Transition-It’s Not All About Heroes, Holidays, and Food

Presenters: Dr. June Gothberg-Yang Tan Institute on Employment & Disability & Dr. Gary Greene, Professor Emeritus in Special Education, California State University

Training materials used during presentation

The Transition Coalition website has the following Resources:

  • Online Modules
  • Webinars (On Demand)
  • Study Guides

Transition Best Practices:

Transition Tips

Lessons from the Beautiful Rainbow Café: